The Bible is never wrong.
HOS 4:6 my people perish from lack of knowledge. People every day are inquiring what stocks and shares to buy or not to buy. They ask whether we face ‘hyperinflation’…
HOS 4:6 my people perish from lack of knowledge. People every day are inquiring what stocks and shares to buy or not to buy. They ask whether we face ‘hyperinflation’…
The parable of the Sower of the Seed shows there are: four soils where seed have been sown. MT 13: The first type of soil was where seed fell by…
God wants us to understand what is happening in the world, and in the spiritual realm: the depths of the heart and mind of God as He 'speaks' through His…
Beloved, by honoring God, He honors us. Therefore, when God asks us as a company of people to give of our substance, there should be no anxious wondering about supply.…
God has decreed certain places for certain purposes. For example, some churches have inspired worship. Whether or not we felt like worshiping God at first, in that anointing, we get…