In the New Testsment, the word “favour” in Greek “charitoo” is found in two passage of Scriptures.
1) Luke 1:28-31
When Gabriel spoke
to Mary that you are
highly favoured one
and the Lord is with
you and blessed are
you among women.”
In Luke 1:30-31, “
…..,the Angel Gabriel
said again to Mary,
you have found
favour with God and
you shall bring forth
a Son called Jesus.”
The other time in the New Testament the word “charitoo” is found in Ephesians 1:6, “To the praise of the glory of His grace, by which he made us accepted in the beloved.” The phrase “made us accepted” in Greek is “charitoo” or favour!
What does favour mean in essence? In Mary’s text it means that Mary was to conceive Jesus, the Son of God by the power of the Holy Spirit.
In Ephesians 1:6, we are favoured because we have been accepted in Christ Jesus.
The following are the meanings associated with the word “favour”
1) The Lord’s presence
is with you
2) You are pursued with
the grace of God
3) You are
encompassed with
God’s favour
4) You are honoured
with God’s blessings
5) The favour that one
received from God is
described as
unearned and
6) God’s kindness and
goodness bestow
upon you
Saints always know that
In whatever and wherever you are in, you are always favoured by God because we are in Christ and He is in us!
God bless you always!
Ps. Sim