God’s Prescribed Way of Success
Dr Sim Choo Jek
God wants us to know that when heaven is open, then everything we do is blessed.
It is written in Hosea 14:9,
Who is wise? He will realize these things.
Who is discerning? He will understand them.
The ways of the LORD are right;
The righteous walk in them,
But the rebellious stumble in them.
However, many people do not follow what God has said and they labour. It is wonderful to work hard, and be diligent. But if heaven is closed, then it is laborious. That means we work and work, but it is not enough.
Grace: God’s Supernatural Intervention
God’s grace enables us to reach our potentiality: the fullness of what God has called us to be. He can do anything through us when His grace is with us. However, it has nothing to do with us. We need to listen carefully and to follow God’s way. Firstly, the grace of God that changed our lives is that when we were sinners God loved us and saved us. We cannot do anything to save ourselves. His grace gets us out of our bad habits and bondages.
The book of Deuteronomy talks about tremendous grace. Grace is often used as the unmerited favour of God. My definition is that grace is the supernatural intervention of God coming into our lives at a particular time and need. Not only does grace come, but also God’s favour and resources to fulfil every need.
Only Revelation Can Change Your Life
I have seen people go from church to church – never changing. They have knowledge of the Word but there is no transformation into the likeness of God. Information cannot change us: only revelation can do that. Just one revelation can change our life forever, and make us wholesome, efficient, and effective.
Christianity is not about theology alone. It is practical living and the reality of our Lord Jesus Christ. There is much information being shared in the body of Christ; and we can be overloaded with information. Revelation and impartation is what is needed.
God wants us to:
• Be touched by Him
• Have such a relationship to hear His heart and mind
• Be able to speak a word that is transforming
Men with Special Graces of God. When we follow God’s way, the onus is on Him to bless us. God is the Shepherd of our souls. A good shepherd will feed us in the Word and we will fear no more. When we follow the Shepherd implicitly, we will not be discouraged or in lack.
God said, in JER 23:4, I will place shepherds over them who will tend them, and they will no longer be afraid or terrified, nor will any be missing. God is raising up men with particular graces, who speak a word and things happen. They touch heaven and earth and make a difference. We need to be in touch with these men of God who carry different anointings. You and I have to pray for open ears and eyes to recognize them. Even in the natural realm, men like Tiger Woods, though he is a champion already. have mentors.
God has also placed in the body of Christ, men with tremendous prophetic insight. Sometimes, they are from little places and almost no-one knows they exist – only God and some of the people around them. They can see things other people can not see; and can hear things that other people cannot hear. If we try to struggle ourselves, and not seek the right people at the right time, we will get ourselves into all sorts of trouble. This is not to highlight those people. I often say, we are not in Hollywood. Each one has to be faithful, and not seek popularity.
God doesn’t want showman.
They show they are called by God through His grace, because people have been blessed by their ministry everywhere they have been.
Prescribed Healing
The Word says that if we are sick, we must call for the elders. They will anoint us with oil and the prayer of faith will heal us. James 5:14. The Bible does not say to go to a doctor first. There is nothing wrong with going to a doctor; but God has a prescribed leadership in the Bible. You and I have to follow God’s way. Certain men of God are blessed in healing: Benny Hinn, for example, has tremendous healing grace.
Prescribed Provision
When we are in financial trouble, many people go to the Banker first. However, we should go and see a man of God who has particular graces of God for finance: who can touch heaven and touch earth because he has been called by God. Ask them for a strategy for a breakthrough. The banker can only lend us money and put us in debt. When God’s man comes and shows us how to touch heaven’s strategies and wisdom by God’s grace, he can tell us how to get a breakthrough from Heaven.
Prescribed Victory in Battling Circumstances
How can we win a battle when we have fear in our heart? We have already lost. Many people are already defeated in their minds. How can they win? Therefore, God gives His prescribed order. When we are battling circumstances, instead of going to our ‘Field Marshall’ or ‘General’ first, go to the Priest of God! The man of God will speak and motivate us from Heaven. All our fears will disappear. God gives the man of God strategies by His wisdom, for wisdom is better than weapons of war.
ECC 9:18.
Follow God’s prescribed way
Beloved, in the Bible, prudence refers to End Times. To be prudent is to be discreet and circumspect: not hasty. If we want to walk on the journey with God, His covenant Word is so important. God promises, in DT 29:9 carefully follow the terms of this covenant, so that we may prosper in everything we do.
Take note of the ways of God: how God works and moves and thinks. These are the ways we must follow. If we don’t know exactly what God is doing, then we are missing out. If we follow exactly what God says and does, then we will always be a success and God will always bless us.