Written by Dr Sim Choo Jek
Saturday, 29 December 2007
The Difference between Inheritance and Legacy
Every activity we undertake to do should be an accomplishment as a legacy wherever we go.
The Holy Spirit will bring us from activity into accomplishment, something substantial that will be left behind from generation to generation.
God has eternity in mind. Everything we do is not for a moment but for eternity. It should be a inter-generational transfer until Jesus come.
We want to leave behind not just an inheritance but a legacy. It is said you can either give your child a fish or you can teach him how to fish. An inheritance is leaving them a fish. A legacy is leaving behind the knowledge of how to fish.
This means we have to put values into their lives, an infrastructure. They can eat up the inheritance but they cannot expend the legacy if we have imparted unto them.
God desires that we leave a legacy and not just an inheritance.
However the Bible says the first step in maturity is to leave a good inheritance to our children. But God desires us to go further.
When we are born again, the Holy Spirit is called the seal of the promise of eternal life. He is bringing you to eternity. Jesus sent the Holy Spirit, not to leave us as orphans, but bringing us along the journey until the finish to eternity. Nothing is done for the moment, it is always for eternity.
We are here not just for activity purposes but we are here to finish the legacy for His people, for our children, for the community, for the household of faith.
Please turn to the following:
Proverbs 13 V 22, “A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children: but the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just.
Proverbs 20 V 21, “An inheritance may be gotten hastily at the beginning; but the end thereof shall not be blessed.
Another version of this passage, reads as follows:
“He that maketh haste to be rich shall not be innocent. Neither shall his posterity be permanent.”
It is good to leave an inheritance, something behind for the children.
Inheritance is something you leave. Legacy is something you place in them. We need to impart life, values then they will be able to stand and go on.
When you leave something behind in an inheritance, they are temporarily happy and satisfied. But when you leave them a legacy they are permanently transformed. Don’t just satisfy them. Sometimes you have to let them go through situations, circumstances and experiences. It takes patience to put something in peoples’ lives.
Often we want quick results and change but we have to teach them slowly, that there is timing. Don’t satisfy them superficially. We all need to be transformed step by step. When people labour for something, it will have more value. They will appreciate it more.
Spirituality is the same. God doesn’t drop spirituality on us overnight. We have to walk with Him, walk through the valley, through the mountain top but He is always there with us. When we come out, we are better people.
Inheritance fades away as we spend it but a legacy lives on after we die. It perpetuates.
Inheritance activity may or may not pay off but legacy activity becomes accomplishment. You have built something into peoples’ lives that is substantial.
Inheritance are gifts received, legacy is values imparted.
Inheritance is a temporary reward, legacy is an eternity reward. It is eternal.
Please turn to I Timothy 6 V 17 – 19
Every perspective of Paul was eternal. It was not for the moment. No matter what value, whatever he did it was for eternity.
One day we all have to go and we can’t take anything with us. But we live for eternity. If we get that into our spirit, we will not be disappointed. We will store up for eternity.
Inheritance leaves behind a monument but legacy is a movement that continually perpetuates. Succession is a success that is continually going on. With a monument you just look at it and the weather can wear it down but with a legacy it is a movement that will never die. It is ongoing from glory to glory, from grace to grace, from strength to strength.
The desire of the Holy Spirit’s heart is not activity but to establish a legacy for His name’s sake.
Please turn to Ephesians 1 V 11 – 14
When Jesus left this earth He did not leave you behind. He sent the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit in your life is the evidence and the seal of God in your life.
The Holy Spirit Himself is like a deposit in your life. He is God. He will lead you on from now to the finish. He is here for eternity, not for a moment, but for a legacy.
Whatever you are facing He is there, He understands you. Even when you feel the loneliest person in the world, He is there with you and He will comfort, love, strengthen and uphold you. God loves you.
Examine your priorities. God wants to leave a legacy in your life. He wants to put value in your life. He wants to put something that is forever in your life.